What Is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional therapy focuses on a holistic, evidence based, and comprehensive approach to health and healing. By identifying your individual nutrient deficiencies we work together to implement diet and lifestyle changes to give the body the support it needs.

As a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I focus on making sure your foundational health is supported. This includes digestion, blood sugar regulation, mineral balance, and hydration. I also use a variety of tools to help me identify nutritional deficiencies and assess your overall health.



Several years ago, I started to struggle with my health. I had bouts of unpredictable stomach aches, gained weight, was tired often, and at one point was ingesting Benadryl like candy because of my on-going “seasonal” allergies. These are only a few of my symptoms! I was frustrated  by the fact that I was doing everything you are “supposed” to do to be healthy and yet I just continued to get worse.

All that began to change as I started learning about how our bodies work, how food affects us and the fact that our bodies have an amazing ability to heal when given what it needs. I have witnessed this powerfully in my life as I completed the whole30, switched my diet to whole nutrient dense foods and implemented healing protocols such as GAPS and AIP to get to the root cause of my issues. All my symptoms started disappearing and I began to thrive. 

This journey has sparked a huge passion in me for nutrition and now it’s my turn to use what I have learned to help you get results faster than I did! 

Sarah Hammett

Hi! I am a functional nutritional therapy practitioner in Bellingham WA. My goal is to help you overcome your symptoms so you can do the things you love without your health struggles disrupting your life. I have a special passion for digestive issues but have worked with many other health conditions as well. My mission is to support you in your health journey as you realize that symptoms are NOT normal and that there IS hope for healing!

Join the community for health tidbits and occasional updates! 

If you want the body to give you a different outcome, you got to give it a different input, for a long enough period of time consistently enough that the body is willing to believe you that it is a new normal and adapts to it.
~Tracy Harrison

Living with an autoimmune disease, I had already had to make significant diet changes and thought I was pretty healthy. Sarah worked with my specific goals to help me change not only what I ate, but how I ate, exercised, and recharged. Managing an autoimmune disease can be complex, and Sarah’s knowledge and experience helped me make practical changes so that I can stay well and do the things I want to do.
D. T.

Interested in working with me or have a question? I’d love to hear from you!